Changi Chapel and Museum - Singapore

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The Changi Museum was relocated to its new home on February 15, 2001. It replaces the old chapel of the Changi Prison Museum (built in 1988) he had to make way for the expansion of Changi Prison.

In compliance with the spirit and commitment of those who rose from the depths of adversity, the Museum inspires future generations to come and deepen their appreciation of the heroic and inspiring stories that took place at Changi. The Changi Museum is dedicated to all those who lived and died in Singapore, in particular the Changi area, during the dark years of World War II.

Through documentation of significant events of the Japanese occupation, the museum serves as an important educational institution and resource center. With regard to prisoners of war (POWs) and their families, is a site that allows the closure of many emotional scars of the war years.

The Changi Chapel, housed in air courtyard of the new museum is a replica representative of the many chapels that were built during the Second World War. Today, it's like a monument to those who do not buckle under Japanese rule, and who maintain their faith and dignity in the face of seemingly hopeless odds.

Letters, photographs, drawings and personal effects at the museum tell a terrible story of more than three years of war and imprisonment of more than 50,000 civilians and soldiers in Changi. Since the fall of Singapore on February 15, 1942 until the Japanese surrender in September 1945, life is a daily struggle against humiliation, loss of freedom, hunger and disease. However, it is here where the conditions were at their worst, that we learned of stories that were heroic, touching, and above all, inspiring. The highlight of a series of magnificent wall paintings called The Changi Murals, meticulously recreated from the originals painted by Bombardier Stanley Warren. Visitors also can view a video as "Changi through the eyes of Haxworth 'and' Elizabeth Choy." Tucked into a quiet corner of the museum is' The University of Changi, "a research area that houses a collection of rare books and literature depicting the life during the war years.

Next to the museum is "the crust Cafe," an outdoor restaurant where you can unwind, relax and enjoy fine dining with family and friends. The restaurant offers a variety of foods on the basis of the cosmopolitan cuisine; wing letter menus and a good range of drinks are available.

There are Sunday services conducted by various religious groups at the Changi Chapel every Sunday at 9.30 am and 5.30pm. Visitors are welcome to join these services.

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