St. Paul's Hill (A'Famosa) - Malaysia

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The Portuguese colonized Malacca in 1641 to 1511. The first thing they did, is a strong focus on the river, the caller A'Famosa. As Malacca was the centre of fighting between the great powers of the time, and was a constant fear of attack, which was severely criticised in Portugal now A'Famosa colonial your foot in the Far East.

In the fortress walls were housing and shops for food, a castle, a conference room for the Portuguese Council and five churches. Seven months by the Dutch attack destroyed almost the entire fortress, which only the facade and the structure of a church on top of the hill.

Go to a route from St. Paul's Hill in the late afternoon and through one of costs between the majestic trees and historic sites. You can almost imagine the glory and misery of life surrounded the Portuguese would have been here every year

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